Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Who Will Be The Next Bachelor?

Many viewers, including myself, just watched the beautiful engagement of Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum. Now America has to decide the Bachelor to be. There are three main contestants that appear to be in the running. The first is the well known Ben Flajnik. As one of the men in the final two, Ben had complete confidence that he had found love and was going to propose to Ashley. This confidence backfired when Ashley sent him home by inflaming a bit of anger. On After the Final Rose, Ben shows his change of thought in the situation and selflessly congratulates Ashley. The second is the hopeless romantic Ryan Park who had quite a bumpy ride. After receiving the first impression rose on the first night, Ryan waited until he finally got his one-on-one date. He stirred up the other men by his what they called "camp counselor" attitude, making himself come off as annoying. After elimination he surprised Ashley in Figi to try to win her one last time. The question is, did that move give America compassion for the man or just recognize his despair? The last is Ames Brown who got eliminated after the hometown dates. His sweet and respectable nature immediately made America fall in love with him making it heartbreaking when he left.

My opinion on the subject often changes. Though Ryan made the extra leap and tries to win Ashley's heart. I do not think he would make a mature next Bachelor. I found that him going to Figi was desperate and turned me off. The other two I have a hard time deciding. Though Ben had the toughest spot being rejected proposing, I am not sure whether he would want to be the next Bachelor. I can see Ames being  the best suited for it since America loves him, but what comes of his relationship with Jackie Gordon on the Bachelor Pad? Since the premier of Bachelor Pad airs next Monday, we don't know whether him and Jackie stay as a couple afterwards.

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